Sunday, October 10, 2010

Port Louis

Arnaud Marie, Boojhawon Prithiviraj,Chanwan Yessoorao,Chummun Kavish Kumar, Gael Gerard, & Ghoorah Roheenish


  1. sir, our main idea was to concentrate on two streets namely. la rue desforges and la corderie. and make it car free and using all the spaces around these roads for the traffic diversion and as parking lots etc.
    we wanted the project to be real and practical.
    However you said that it was poor.

    Do you want our project to consist of the different elements in the main topic i.e. not just concentrate on roads, but on facility, spaces, environment, green design and sustainable design.

    What i want to say is that the chosen area-port-louis city centre- is not important-it is a guide, what is important is our our knowledge on the technologies that are available today-what is possible or being use in other countries.
    Perhaps we should do some research in this direction rather than making frequent trips to port-louis.
    for your views please.

  2. The presentation and the analysis was just bare (poor in terms of information submitted), and i believe that you guys can still improve a lot more.
    Your project should take care of all mitigation factors as follows;
    1. When the existing insfrastructure is made pedestrain, what is the impact in existing traffic and how well it is adressed?
    2.What measures are being taken so that the environment is adjusted and people are adpated to this change.
    3.Is there any new facilities to be developped, for eg a shuttle system, hop on and hop off.
    4.What type of spaces and coding would be available.
    5.Differenent scenarios of peak and off peak themes should be implemented so that the project is a success and not only for us to read.

  3. sir shuffle system won't be appropriate for such a short distance but we would search for more appropriate and sustainable mode of transport in those two main roads we are working on.

    sir, one question, can we remove all vehicles travelling through that road, that is buses also and divert them through royal street?

  4. sir, what do you mean by 'Differenent scenarios of peak and off peak themes'?

    could you please send me websites
    where i can get info about it?

  5. There is a difference in Shuttle and Shuffle. Hop on and Hop Off system is not only for Desforges Street but can be extended to surrounding depending on your analysis and research.
    Different scenarios meaning different facilities and environment to cater for Public at peak hours and off peak hours, such as
    Restaurant Peak times are at 11am to 14hrs
    Shopping - normally at 12pm LUNCH and after 1600hrs
    Business - 0800hrs to 1800hrs
    Taxi and Public transport - All day
    Wifly - City Wifi
    etc -

  6. Sir, Guys , Are we talking about the city infrastructure only or a complete relooking of Port Louis like a new modern city .

  7. Guys wat about posting our views about wat we are working here itself. We can have an overview about where we are going and Sir can guide us a bit whether we are focussing and are on the right track. Everyone can talk briefly about wat they are doing and inform us about the researches. Having a brainstorming here itself is not bad.
    Well I'll be talking on environment.
    In brief wat we are trying to do in these 2 streets?converting it finally into wat?

  8. The parking lots, I think would not be appropriate in this case. Access denied for cars in this area would be more suitable. U can rectify me if Im wrong!don't hesitate..

  9. ya, access to cars will be denied on those roads and make it a pedestrian road.. but in those road, there will be eco friendly vehicles to travel from the beginning of the the till the end of the other road. and it will be economical.

    also we are providing that all building would be green building. such environment would be good for the people and good for people working there. this are according to my research.

    and the cost of building green is reasonable and it is becoming a neccesity in the world.

    parking lot would be constructed at la citadel. for those people shopping in those two roads. it will consist of restaurant also.

  10. sir, on the design that we should implement in the project should consist mainly on what?
    i'm confused about it

  11. Ideally the SWOT should already indicate the drawbacks of the city and the design brief shall include the mitigation factors to alleviate the W.
